Change - The Answer to Quarantine Boredom
Like the rest of the world you may find yourself stuck inside for the next few weeks. After a long day of quarantining, you may be looking for a fun activity. I mean, let’s face it, there’s only so much binge watching you can do in a day. Breaking out a game like Change offers you a great alternative to sitting in front of the television. Lets hear why…
Change can promote family time
We may all be stuck in the same house for the next few weeks or months but that doesn’t mean that we are necessarily spending quality time together. Change can offer an opportunity to compete, smile, and laugh together. If you’re quarantining alone you can get on one of the many virtual meeting platforms and play a game of Change via webcam. We’ve tried it and it’s a blast!
Change can help younger players learn to follow directions.
When children play board games they have to listen to instructions in order to play. Learning directions is an important life skill for home, school, and life in general. We’ve even heard of some parents making up their own rules for Change to teach their children how to count money. Kids can be learning important life skills and not even know it!
Playing games creates more happiness.
Remember playing checkers, chutes and ladders, or twister as a kid? Change brings you back to that simpler time. Its literally impossible to not find enjoyment watching that quarter fall into its target. That’s not just us talking… that’s science. A side effect of playing Change is laughter- again… science. All this laughter and good times helps to decrease stress. There you have it…Change is not only fun, it’ll keep you healthy.
Change enhances creativity.
Change has twelve ways of playing (with more on the way) but we’re always looking for user submissions. Have a cool new configuration or way of playing? Shoot us an email, a picture, or a video of you playing and we’ll share it with our community- and let you name it!
And there you have it… If you’re looking for some fun, Change is for you!